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country Poland



year of construction

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Individual design

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Details of the BORONÓW project

The construction plan includes the construction of a single-family detached residential building in a farm development. The planned facility is a single-story building with a building area of up to 70 m2. 

Functional layout:

On the ground floor of the building there is a residential area with a living room with a kitchen, which can also be accessed from the outside, a bathroom, a bedroom, a study room and a technical room.

The main entrance to the building is located on the eastern wall, leading to the vestibule, from which there is access to the utility room, bathroom and open living area (living room).

Forma architektoniczna:

Projektuje się budynek na planie prostokąta - jednokondygnacyjny z antresolą przykryty dachem dwuspadowymi o kącie nachylenia połaci 40°.

Elewacje budynku będą wykończone deską elewacyjną w kolorze jasnego drewna. Wejście główne znajduję się na wschodniej elewacji.

In the case of this project, our company was the general contractor of the investment.

Remember - the given solutions are the suggestion of architects and engineers, but you, as a customer, decide about the final appearance of your building.

powierzchnia zabudowyinfo 69.7 m2
powierzchnia użytkowainfo 86.38 m2
powierzchnia całkowitainfo 90 m2
antresola 30.21 m2
długość 11.21 m
szerokość 6.22 m
wysokość w kalenicy 6.78 m
sypialnie w tym salon 4x
łazienki 1x  


production technology

Our construction system includes prefabricated floor, wall and roof components.

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